Friday, July 10, 2015

Comments I've received about hating Japan

 I'm really just hating japan right now because of what this nuclear radiation is doing to our pacific ocean. Is that justifiable? Can I be hating this catastophe that originates from Japan?. I know your japanese, probably why your taking offense to it. I was addressing Alfredo Ferrersince he seems to want to talk about Chernobyle and everywhere else, except Japan, just like the politicians we have now because it's from japan

According to some Japanese here in Hawaii, I'm not entitled to express my feelings of dispise towards the Japan for this nuclear radiation thing.

Maybe one day it will blow up and bomb this entire planet too. Douse us with another big dose of nuclear radiation along with the one from Fukushima, and the others including the USA, and we will end all of humanity.


Ripping of Japan? first of all, our Politicians won't even say the word Fukushima. Secondly, my beef with Newtown Estates is ran by a bunch of japanese, and a community that was developed by a japanese, who sold his homes in japan. Thirdly, I had another landcourt case against another family of japanese who had no easement through our property. Fourthly, the same japanes screwed us over, and that's why . . .And the association, who never like help me defend against these damn old timer japanese now are ganging up against me with this frivilous lawsuit. So right now, yes, japan. Not so sound too racist, but if you had the kind of run-in's I've had with this japan, maybe you would understand. I see first hand how they lie- conspire- they are evil, so fricken evil!!! But I will leave revenge up to GOD, or Karma, what ever they believe in. Just these japan, not all japan, but just a few bad japan giving all japans a bad name!! Now you asking me why, and I telling you why, so this explanation is making me a racist. That's my answer, whether you like it or not, and yes, I know it sounds very racist, but this is how I feel. And on top of that, these japans come over here and steal Hawaii's water. Hows' that, that is a slap, punch in the face to us idiots here in Hawaii, who don't even give a rips ass about it. And these damn japans still voting for japan politicians who arent qualified and afraid to talk about Fukushima, because in Japan, they will lock you up if you mention the word fukushima. And now we are downwind in the plume, and we soppose to keep our mouths shut too? This America, we have our freedom of speech so they can't shut us up. They want us Americans to suffer in silence, and not even blame Fukushima for our increase in Cancer. Sounds like you too, no like blame Fukushima, why wouldn't anyone want to talk about a problem that is posing a very serious danger? Are we soppose to keep our mouth shut too? and Just except cancer sickness, and death like they do? If that's the case, then stop exporting our water, and tell them to drink their own nuclear radiated contaminated water in japan, and stay in japan.